So, facebook just asked me what was on my mind. I wrote approximately the stuff below… and then it crashed when I tried to post it.
But, let me not be among those who cry over spilt words. Here’s another crack at it, hopefully a bit more permanent.
What’s on my mind, facebook asks?
25 years and a day ago, dinner at Lulu Wellington’s, a Philadelphia restaurant. My mother convinced everyone in the room to light sparklers (provided by her) in the middle of her toast to us. We set off the smoke alarms and the fire department came. It was excellent.
The next day, my beautiful bride, walking across the lawn to me through a crowd of family friends (and a few of our own friends). She looked entirely cool and collected even though the temperature was 104 (40 c). I was bathed in sweat.
The tailcoat I insisted on wearing, despite it being both outdoors and before 6. I said “I’m only getting married once and I am getting married in a tailcoat.” Weirdly I was right, without knowing why.
My dear old dad, who was wearing navy blue socks with his tux. I honestly don’t think he could see the difference. He prevailed upon a whole bunch of our guests to give us cash as a wedding gift so I could buy a vibraphone for $4000. Appropriate? Not really, but it was life changing anyway. Dad did not stand on ceremony.
My mother, who looked happy and bemused the whole time, and her best friend from college Lynn who turned up at the last minute. Also Kim’s mom Carol who looked fantastic, like a proud peacock despite the heat.
Mom’s sister — my aunt — Liz, who dragged herself all the way up from Atlanta in that godawful heat for what reason I do not know except she wanted to support me. I am so grateful she was there.
My brother, my best friend, who arranged the most beautiful song for us and then sang it with my fabulous sister. He was determined to recite the silly Shakespeare sonnet I asked him to recite from memory, and of course he froze in the middle and had to rescue himself with the wedding program that Kim insisted he keep in his pocket just in case. Then rallied and gave the best wedding toast ever.
Our friends, who played the music, gave us our co-bachelor party, and showed up.
Ron and Claire, Kim’s father and stepmother, who made everything happen and made it seem easy. I knew when I first met Ron that we were going to be good friends. I did not know that he would be, after my brother, my closest friend in the world.
And after all that, what’s on my mind? The one I married. Happy anniversary, my only love — here’s to another 25 years.
I love y’all, brother. We will cross paths again. I,m very proud of you!
It was a great day! I am so happy that I was there. Congratulations to both of you!
I see no mention of the bachelor party….
The bachelor party was awesome — the bits of it I remember, anyway…
It was touching to hear things you remembered about that wonderful day. Hottest day of the year also. I loved the cooler evening.
I think Jeff mentioned Dr. Pepperdene.
You both looked wonderful. I am so proud of both of you for your Love of Life, your loyalty and your faith in your marriage.